Progress report - GUI update and music incoming (15/05/2022)

First of all, the internet problem is resolve now, thanks for being patient~

Currently trying to make everything round and cute with the GUI. I have a problem because I want to make the background dynamic, changing the color palette depending if a character is present or not and I can't make it work, but I'm close, don't worry~

A side of that, I hope the music selection was something you guys like, my problem is that a couple of themes have raining noises which give a chill vibe but could ended up confusing for players, thinking that rain is involve in the scene. Seeing if I change those themes or remove said background noise.

I want to finish the build around the 20th of this month, if everything goes as plan it should be ready around said date.

One thing before finish the report; someone told me about a function to hide the text-box with one click, which I think was a neat idea and function, if someone else has a little quality of like idea, I'm open to read it and take it in consideration~

That is all for now, take care~

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