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This is so good, great story writing and character development, deserves much more attenton!

I also wanna pet shemale Rei

are you going to make this update public are is it just going to be paid only.

We decided not releasing these last updates as public because have nearly all the content the retail version is going to have. In Patreon for $1.00usd you can have access to three of the last updates, the third one will be the next one.

Only for we are going to release the last beta, which is basically the full game but before being completely polished.

cool ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘

Just a little question is the icon update out yet I'm waiting for that shit like it's my last meal lol ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜…

Icon updateยฟ? Idk if you are talking about the one for sprites, but we want that one to be the next one~

Oh u might not remember but I asked you a few weeks are month now about an update for a guide to know where the events are and answered "what I'm going to add is an icon that shows were is Evangeline located in which place and also an icon to show what will trigger an event, also more hints, because yeah, is a common complaint... thanks for the suggestion and sorry for the inconvenience" so yea is it out yet are is it still being worked on.

Ooooh, yeah ,these were added in the update for side characters, the icons show indeed where and when events get triggered and if these are important or just common events~

Nice ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ™‚ 


Don't know if there is any way to report a bug but the game crashes after scene in the park when the girls meet the teacher on sunday there


When I choose anal only option (latest patreon build) and I manage to make girls orgasm before they're "done", when Evan tells Rei they can continue, she automatically put her thingy in Evan's pussy. I am not sure if game codes that, but ngl kinda breaks the immersion for me. Is this normal?

I'm going to check this, thank you

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Okay, I have a question, Is like putting the thingy inside during the missionary and doggystyle position or when Evan's face is at close up?

Because in the scene where she gets closer to the MC she just rubs her thigh on them.


I played this game a while ago, and I still love it just as much as I did then. The characters feel real, and I love how Evangeline perfectly describes what it's like to have an eating disorder. I love the progress that has been made, and I love how this game is turning out. I hope you can keep it going this well, and I'm definitely going to be keeping track. This'll definitely be going on my top 3 vn's.


I'll be brief, I haven't played the full version but from what I saw in the demo you have a great job on your hands. The dialogues with the music and the designs are beautiful together I can't add much more except that I loved the little I saw and I hope you get more support


Thanks <3

Although, the demo is hella outdated, the game has a ton of improvements since then c:
I'm going to make an updated demo base on the retail version.

Huh?  Is this a mistake or sumthin?


Its a false-positive that some versions Ren'Py trigger on some antivirus, is a common false-positive and an old one (For example), every like six months someone reports this.

Although is a false-positive and there is nothing wrong, I'm going to update Ren'Py, that normally get rid of this issue.


Yo Studio781 add a guide line in your game man it's pretty difficult to know what to do it's really getting to me doing the same shit thinking I will found something new are a new event a guide would really help.

What I'm going to add is an icon that shows were is located Evangeline in which place and also an icon to show that will trigger an event, also more hints, because yeah, is a common complaint... thanks for the suggestion and sorry for the inconvenience~


that's even better thx and take ur time don't let my comment rush u good luck๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‚

What content is available in the demo? I seem to be in a sort of loop, I keep interacting with Evangeline whenever I can but the dialogue loops every 3 or so interactions and nothing else seems to be happening.


Its really short, I think only until the first important even t but it probably has old bugs.. thanks to remind me to update the demo, I was waiting for the character sprite update but I should make a new build, let me see if I can replace it as soon as possible.

Is anyone else's android version of the game bugging and sending you back to the main menu after a certain point in the story

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Which point to be specific?, Right wow I'm working on the game, to check the issue and fix it right away~.

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It's the day right after you tell Evangeline your favourite novel type I chose romance and the next in game day after class it went back to the main menu tried it multiple times and even redownloaded the game in case it was just an older version but no luck

 sorry for the inconvenience I know you are working really hard on this game and I hope its not too big of an issue

I started a new game and it seemed the it always happens on Fridays after class ended for the mc

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In a couple of hours will be updated (With my internet takes 1+ hours to upload lmao)

Thanks for the report~


thank you very much and again I love the game and I can not wait to see more of it i am very much glad the problem was fixed and I was happy to find it so newer players of this amazing game won't have this problem

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I bought this game yesterday, and already love it. Can't wait to see what the next update holds!

Edit: I keep getting wip marks. Is the main storyline still in development, or am I missing something?


I think I leave some WIP dialogues by accident, aren't supposed to show, just a reminder for myself, I'm going to remove them, sorry for the inconvenience n_n"

There are two major updates before the final version and Steam release; The final erotic content expansion and the endings. The endings will come first after the update that I'm working on right now. After developing B&L2, we will revisited this game for more content as an expansion~


Alright! It's already one of my favorite games on Itch. Can't wait to see the endings.


I actually was quite happy when I played it. The story portrayed anxiety and eating disorders quite well. And honestly, it reminded myself how far I've gotten. Thank you and please continue making the story.


In shows or movies I don't like when a character tell everything about their mental health, I try to to write Evangeline as she knows and feels what she has but didn't say it on detail all the time.

Dealing with anxiety myself but not eating disorders I'm always worried about if I portray the second thing correctly... thanks for your comment, it means a lot for us when someone find peace or is related with the characters and their adversities. n_n

A year ago my english was not as good as nowdays...

I don't know what I was trying to say in this comment lmao.

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I made my Itch account so I could support the game by purchasing it.  I canโ€™t think of a better way to express how much I love the story or how excited I am for when itโ€™s finished. 

Thank you so very much


We are the ones who need to thank you for your support, you're welcome and also thank you n_n

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The most important poll at the moment (Public)

* Dating events, and also main character traits.

* The endings, and also masochism degree.


Thanks, I forgot to make a dev-blog post about it.
Now that I make it, still, this should help for anyone not following the game~